The Ned System® myofunctional device, Neuro Equilibratore Dinamico (Neuro Dynamic Balancer), is custom designed and manufactured with a viscoelastic material.
It comes from multidisciplinary skills such as neuromyofascial gnathology which has significantly enriched the therapeutic potential in recent years.
The Ned System® is an individual innovative therapy based on diagnosis, whose clinical evaluations consider:
Ned System® is ideal for aligning teeth in children as it is a non-invasive orthodontic therapy that uses removable devices without the use of wires and fixed bands.
The therapy is indicated both in children and in adults, which are often symptomatic.
Used in children, it is an orthodontics without wires and brackets that is used in classic orthodontic malocclusions with crowding of the teeth.
It is ideal for children because it is a non-invasive method, which supports the development and cranio-occlusal harmonization of the growing subject.
It is a therapeutic philosophy that does not impose "a priori" and indiscriminately the same treatment model in all subjects.
In adults, who have symptoms, we often see the resolution of one or more symptoms, such as:
Therapy with the Ned System® device requires basic or 1st level training which, in addition to illustrating the philosophy of the method, and providing the notions for managing the generic device, it enables and accredits dentists as competent operators.
Therapy with the Ned-System® also includes the management of complex cases for which advanced or 2nd level training is essential.